Karate Etiquette
1. Entering and Leaving the Dojo
- Bow at the entrance to show respect to the dojo (rei) and announce your arrival by saying “Osu!”
- Seek out Sensei and greet in the same manner.
- Remove your shoes before stepping onto the mat.
- Greet other students with a bow and say “Osu!” before stepping onto the mat.
- If late, kneel at the edge of the mat and wait for the instructor’s permission to join.
- Students may arrive early to stretch, practice, or use the heavy bags. This time is for self-preparation, not socializing. Focus on preparing your mind, body, and spirit for training.
2. Bowing and Respect
- Bow to the instructor (sensei), senior students (senpai), and fellow students.
- Use proper titles when addressing instructors and seniors.
- Bow before and after practicing with a partner.
3. Dojo Conduct
- Maintain silence and discipline during training.
- Speak only when necessary—listen carefully to the instructor.
- Do not wear jewelry, watches, or accessories during practice.
- Long hair must be tied back.
- Keep nails trimmed and your gi clean and tidy.
4. Training Behavior
- Follow commands immediately and show strong spirit.
- Do not question or argue with the instructor during class.
- Stay humble and train with sincerity—never show arrogance.
- When adjusting your uniform or belt, turn away from the instructor.
5. Sitting and Standing Etiquette
- Sit in seiza (traditional kneeling posture) when waiting or listening.
- Do not lean against walls or lie down in the dojo.
- Stand with hands at your sides or in front of you—never with hands on hips or arms crossed.
6. Beginning and Ending Class
- Line up by rank from highest to lowest.
- Bow to:
- The front (shomen ni rei)
- The instructor (sensei ni rei)
- Each other (otagai ni rei)
- Recite the dojo kun (dojo principles) if required.
7. Sparring (Kumite) Etiquette
- Bow before and after sparring.
- Control techniques to prevent unnecessary injury.
- Show respect to your opponent—never use excessive force.
8. General Dojo Manners
- Arrive on time, or preferably 15–20 minutes early, and be prepared.
- Keep the dojo clean and tidy.
- Show gratitude at the end of each class.
8. Absences
- If you are going to miss class due to illness or scheduling, please text or let Sensei know ahead of time.
These rules reflect the respect, discipline, and humility that form the core values of karate.